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Running the Diode server


The Diode server requires a Docker environment (and docker compose), version 27.0.3 or above.

Configure the Diode server

The Diode server is configured using a configuration file and an environment file:

  • docker-compose.yml - configures and run the Diode server docker containers
  • .env - stores the specific environmental settings for the environmnet

In a clean directory:

mkdir /opt/diode
cd /opt/diode

Download the default docker-compose.yml and .env files from the Diode project repository:

curl -o docker-compose.yml
curl -o .env

Edit the .env to match the environment:

  • NETBOX_DIODE_PLUGIN_API_BASE_URL: URL for NetBox, appended with /api/plugins/diode
  • DIODE_TO_NETBOX_API_KEY: API key from Diode plugin installation
  • DIODE_API_KEY: API key from Diode plugin installation
  • NETBOX_TO_DIODE_API_KEY: API key from Diode plugin installation

Run the Diode server

From the /opt/diode directory, download and run the Diode server containers:

docker compose up -d


The Diode server is successfully configured and running if the command docker compose ps returns the following four containers with a STATUS of Up:

docker compose ps
NAME                       IMAGE                                STATUS
diode-diode-ingester-1     netboxlabs/diode-ingester:latest     Up 
diode-diode-reconciler-1   netboxlabs/diode-reconciler:latest   Up 
diode-diode-redis-1        redis/redis-stack-server:latest      Up 
diode-ingress-nginx-1      nginx:latest                         Up 

Next step

The next step is to install the Diode client