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Installing the Diode plugin


The following instructions assume you have installed NetBox in the /opt/netbox directory. Adjust instructions as necessary if you've installed NetBox in a different directory.

Install the plugin

Source the NetBox Python virtual environment:

cd /opt/netbox
source venv/bin/activate

Install the plugin in the Python virtual environment:

pip install netboxlabs-diode-netbox-plugin

Configure NetBox

Edit the NetBox file and add the netbox_diode_plugin to the PLUGINS list. The default location for this file is /opt/netbox/netbox/netbox/


Restart NetBox to load the plugin:

sudo systemctl restart netbox netbox-rq

Configure the plugin

Diode requires three API keys that must be passed as environment variables to function. These API keys are random 40 character long alphanumeric strings and can be generated and set to the appropriate environment variables with the following commands:

# API key for the Diode service to interact with NetBox
export DIODE_TO_NETBOX_API_KEY=$(head -c20 </dev/urandom|xxd -p); env | grep DIODE_TO_NETBOX_API_KEY
# API key for the NetBox service to interact with Diode
export NETBOX_TO_DIODE_API_KEY=$(head -c20 </dev/urandom|xxd -p); env | grep NETBOX_TO_DIODE_API_KEY
# API key for Diode SDKs to ingest data into Diode
export DIODE_API_KEY=$(head -c20 </dev/urandom|xxd -p); env | grep DIODE_API_KEY


Store the API key strings in a safe place as they will be needed to configure the Diode server

Run migrations to configure the plugin to use generated API keys:

cd /opt/netbox/netbox
./ migrate netbox_diode_plugin


The plugin is successfully installed and configured:

  • The NetBox Labs DIODE plugin is visible in the right-hand navigation bar
  • Three NetBox users and three corresponding API keys have been created:
    • DIODE

Next step

The next step is to configure and run the Diode server