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Installing the Diode client SDK

The Diode SDK is a Python library for sending data to the Diode server over gRPC/protbuf for ingestion in to NetBox.


The Diode SDK requires Python version 3.10 or greater.

Install the Diode SDK

Create a virtual environment and activate it:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Upgrade pip:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Install the SDK package:

pip install netboxlabs-diode-sdk

Configure the client

Set the following environment variable with the DIODE_API_KEY API key from the plugin installation:

export DIODE_API_KEY=<API key from Diode plugin installation>


The Diode client is successfully installed if the pip freeze command returns:

pip freeze | grep diode

Next step

The next step is to explore and download example Diode scripts or to install and run the Diode discovery agent.