Interact with Branches via API

Unlike the web UI, where a user's selected branch remains active until it is changed, the desired branch must be specified with each REST API request. This is accomplished by including the X-NetBox-Branch HTTP header specifying the branch's schema ID.

X-NetBox-Branch: $SCHEMA_ID

Schema IDs

The schema ID for a branch can be found in its REST API representation or on its detail view in the web UI. This is a pseudorandom eight-character alphanumeric identifier generated automatically when a branch is created. Note that the value passed to the HTTP header does not include the branch_ prefix, which comprises part of the schema's name in the underlying database.

The example below returns all site objects that exist within the branch with schema ID td5smq0f:

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Token $TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json; indent=4" \
-H "X-NetBox-Branch: td5smq0f" \

The branch is effectively "deactivated" for future API requests by simply omitting the header.


The X-NetBox-Branch header is required only when making changes to NetBox objects within the context of an active branch. It is not required when creating, modifying, or deleting a branch itself.